Alicante farmers brief on credit program
Tue, 09/04/2018
Small sugarcane farmers who are Certificate of Land Ownership Award (CLOA) holders, and small landowners in Barangay Alicante in E.B. Magalona were recently introduced to the Sugarcane Industry Development Act (SIDA) Block Farming Socialized Credit Program.

Small farmers in Brgy. Alicante, EB Magalona gather for an orientation on SIDA Socialized Credit Program.*
The orientation was facilitated by the District Office of Cong. Alfredo Benitez and conducted by its SIDA Block Farm Project point person Joemel Magno.
The 50 participants will now have access to loans from the Sugar Regulatory Administration as lead agency for the implementatiojn of the Socialized Credit Program under the SIDA law. The Land Bank of the Philippines is the identified financial institution that will support the program.*
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