Bogart is back
Monday, July 9, 2018
REMEMBER Bogart, the tiger?
He died on March 3 this but he was resurrected by scientific means last June 29, through the "Save Bogart" project.

The preserved Bogart, the tiger (UNO-R Photo)
A corpse of a healthy tiger was brought to the University of Negros Occidental-Recoletos to be staffed by experts.
After four months of hard work, they have unveiled "Bogart" during the general assembly of the College of Arts and Sciences on June 29.
They said the new Bogart is a symbol of the gifts of spirituality, sensuality, passion, boldness, and beauty.
Bogart was the pet tiger of Negros Occidental Third District Representative Alfredo Benitez who died at his Toreno Fish Farm in Victorias City.
Bogart, 12, was with the solon when he was still little.
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