Testing kits for Metro3rd arrive
September 27, 2020

The complete set of 18,000 PCR kits, extraction kits, reagents and viral transport media (VTMs) from the Department of Health arrived at the Silay airport and were turned over to the Teresita L. Jalandoni Provincial Hospital (TLJPH) in Silay City by Congressman Stephen Paduano and Board Member Ryan Gamboa.
The testing kits were requested by Congressmen Francisco Benitez and Paduano to address the increase in capacity for testing of the TLJPH molecular laboratory and the swabbing and contact tracing of the Third District LGUs which are badly hit by the virus. The Metro 3rd Emergency Operations Center based in E B Magalona will assist and augment the targeted testing of identified individuals in different parts of the Third District as a result of intensified contact tracing. TLJPH Chief of Clinics Dr. Mary Ann Maestral received the testing kits.*
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