TESDA Hilot Training for EBM
Wed, 09/12/2018
Seventeen (17) residents from various barangays of EB Magalona – housewives, out-of-school- youths, professionals, vendors, laborers, are now undergoing the Hilot Massage Wellness Training under the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) facilitated by the office of Congressman Alfredo Benitez.
The training conducted by Malou Ramirez and Elmor Lucatin will continue for 18 week-ends starting this September.
Spearheading coordination of the TESDA Hilot Wellness run in EB Magalona are Lagrimas Silvestre, Programs and Services Group of the Third District Congressional Office and EBM Coordinator Allana Montepio.
Partnering with TESDA, Cong. Benitez brings the Special Training for Employment Program (STEP) of TESDA to as many communities and constituents in need in the Third District as part of his IHELP priority advocacy program.*
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