August 29, 2020
We called for a time-out weekend to facilitate mass testing for everyone’s benefit, not for any one’s personal gain. Our LGUs mobilized resources to make this happen. Healthcare workers have answered our call to swab and test people despite the risk from exposure. Businesses have also voluntarily suspended operations.
We thank them for their sacrifice and support. We also thank the public for their trust and cooperation. To our critics, may you emulate our frontliners. Instead of maligning us, help us. I am not competing with anyone nor have any personal agenda out of this. COVID-19 is our common enemy. Let’s focus on how to combat this crisis.
If our direction serves, in your mind, a greater good, then join us. If not, then speak out and offer actual solutions.
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Ang isa sa akon mga handom para sa Bacolod.

Ako ang kapitan sg sini nga barko. Indi ini magkadto sa wala ukon sa tuo, kundi derecho sa direksyon sang pagbag-o sang gobyerno para sa kaayuhan sang Bacolodnon.