Irrigation dams to benefit 3rd district set to be built
on Wed, 10/26/2016
The Malogo Irrigation Project involving a 2.0 meters diversion dam to be built in Barangay Kapitan Ramon in Silay City is projected to benefit 8,625 hectares of irrigable areas covering barangays in Silay City and EB Magalona town.
Rep. Alfredo Abelardo Benitez (center) at the Malogo River Irrigation Project Public Scoping Session with Serafin Palteng, NIA NIR Director Mario Sande, and barangay captains Lea Beri of Tanza, Silay, and Sharyn Belen of Pasil, EB Magalona (l-r).*
The five barangays in Silay City are Hawaiian, E. Lopez, Guinhalaran, Lantadand Bagtic, and the six barangays in E.B. Magalonaare Alicante, Cudangdang, Mantaangan, Pasil, Sto. Niño, and Tanza, Rep. Alfredo Abelardo Benitez (Neg. Occ., 3 rd District) said yesterday.
Benitez, who pointed out the vital role of irrigation to agricultural development, joined the public scoping session for the Malogo River Irrigation Project conducted by the National Irrigation Administration together with the Schema Konsult the Natalio Velez Sports and Cultural Center in Silay City, recently.
The public consultation with key stakeholders is a vital activity included in the Feasibility Study and Environmental and Social Impact Assessment which is a requirement for the issuance of the Environmental Compliance Certificate by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources before project implementation, a press release form the office of Benitez said.
NIA and the consultants presented details of the project after which individuals and groups from the government and the private sector affected in the project coverage areas presented issues and concerns for discussion, the press release said.
Benitez underscored the importance of convergence, cooperation and synergy by all participating stakeholders for smooth planning and implementation, as well as to anticipate developments that can affect the project.
The session was attended by Silay Mayor Mark Golez, NIA Director for NIR Region 18Mario Sande, NIA Negros Occ. OIC Lorena Sioco, and several Silay and EB Magalona barangay captains.
The public scoping session for the Imbang River Irrigation Project was also held earlier.
The 1.6 meters diversion dam planned for the Imbang River Irrigation Project will benefit 1,450 hectares of three barangays of Talisay City – Bubog, Dos Hermanas and Matab-ang, the press release said.
The irrigation project components also include provision of a flood control scheme, possible hydro power generation, construction of irrigation canal network and on-farm facilities, construction of project drains and improvement of existing creeks and rivers, it added.
It will also cover provision of service and access roads within the irrigation service area and the provision of an appropriate resettlement plan framework, the press release said.*
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